Year of Prayer - Ideas & Resources
'Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him,
"Lord, teach us to pray..." '
- Luke 11:1
Why the 'Year of Prayer?'
In preparation for the Jubilee Year "Pilgrims of Hope", 2023-24 has been designated the Year of Prayer by Pope Francis, with a particular empahsis on the Our Father. This presents our Church with a significant opportunity to revisit the basics of prayer, and for us to become even more a people of prayer.
Someone once said that 'prayer doesn’t help our relationship with God, prayer IS our relationship with God!' and so when we become more devoted to prayer, we are building up that Divine friendship. Being Pilgrims of Hope means that we should always be growing in our love of prayer on our journey of Faith. But the Year of Prayer also asks us to consider how we might help others to pray, so that they can experience a personal encounter with the risen Jesus.
Can you teach at least one other person to pray, as Our Lord taught His disciples, during this Year of Prayer? Read on for more ideas and suggestions.
What will your parish do? Scroll down to the "Resources and Ideas" section...
Beginning Advent 2023
Advent 2023 - The start of the Year of Prayer
The Year of Prayer is not a year about prayer, but a year for prayer. The image of Christ in the manger speaks of a God who wants an intimate realtionship with His creation. Advent will see initiatives that parishes can start engaging with.

Overview of the Year of Prayer
Letter Introducing the Year of Prayer
With some ideas you could try.
Poster for notice boards
Introducing the Year of Prayer
Praying for Evangelisation
Prayers and ideas for everyday evangelisation.
Suggestions for Personal Prayer
Approaches to prayer for young and old!

Throughout the Year of Prayer, the Office for Mission will suggest things that parishes can do, from online courses to books, parish outreach to formation in prayer. This is aimed at both enriching your prayer life and encouraging you to invite others to an encounter with God in prayer. Please see the following to get you started.
Pause for Prayer #2
A new resources of teaching, testimony & intentions.
Click image for Sycamore website, and download the accompanying document.
Already run in a number of parishes in our diocese, Prayer & Life Workshops could be for you, too! Contact the Office for Mission to learn more, or email directly at praylifeworkshop@gmail.com
Christian Life Communities: click image or email: clcmidlandsregion@clcew.org.uk
Manresa Link & Retreats in Daily Life: click image to find out more!
To download this booklet on prayer from the Jesuit Insititute, click the image!
Doodling Faith: A prayerful & creative way to help young people love God's Word.
Please check back soon for more content.
If you would like any more information, or to share with me how you are planning to mark this Year of Prayer, please contact Paul Northam on (0121) 321 5148 or email office.mission@rcaob.org.uk
Prayer Resources for Schools: click for downloads, videos and PPTs to use with children and young people.
Prayer Resources from CAFOD: click image to access a number creative ideas for the Year of Prayer.
Learn to pray the Examen with us.