“Those who believed were of one heart and soul [...] they had everything in common.”
– Acts 4:32

Thank you for visiting the resources pages of the Office for Mission here in the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The Office for Mission exists to serve the Church in Birmingham, particularly though our Diocesan Vision...
In these pages you will find help to share this vision with others, build a culture of mission and discover useful resources for communicating the faith and forming disciples.
Click an image below to do discover more about Evangelisation and Discipleship and your part in them:
Our Vision is to be a Catholic diocese which is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ, full of missionary disciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and neighbour.
Get in touch
Click the image if you're new, returning to the Church, or just want someone to talk to!

Advice is available to help you:
Develop and communicate a vision for evangelisation,
Identify the charisms/gifts that exist in your parish,
Reach out to those who are lapsed, unchurched or weary of living the Catholic Faith,
Paul Northam is the Diocesan Advisor for Evangelisation & Discipleship. He works to assist the Church in the task of announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ and supporting disciples in mission, and in the family, in parishes across the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
Paul can help parishes to develop vision and to create effective strategies for evangelisation, marriage and family life, supporting the formation of God’s Holy people, “mobilising all in the diocese to become true missionary disciples.” (Diocesan Mission Statement)
Develop evangelisation groups and teams,
Transform parish ministries into missionary tools,
Find resources for evangelisation,
Pray for evangelisation.
T: 0121 321 5148
E: office.mission@rcaob.org.uk