The Guild in a Parish
“Grant that they may be faithful in their service at your Altar,
and that they may grow in faith and love”
- from the Blessing of Servers
Celebrating the Guild in a Parish
Servers are enrolled into the Guild of Saint Stephen through a liturgical rite, in which those who have served for at least 6 months make promises and are presented with a bronze Guild Medal. Many parishes choose to do this annually on the Feast of Saint Stephen, but it can happen at any time.
Senior servers are eligible for special Guild Medals:
Silver for 10 years of enrolment
Gold for 50 years of enrolment
There are also silver and gold Medals of Merit for 20 and 50 years of service respectively. This service does not necessarily have to have been as an enrolled member of the Guild.
The rite of blessing and presentation of these medals can be downloaded below. As this often takes place at the same Mass as new enrolments, a combined rite is also available.
Rite of Enrolment
Liturgical rite for enrolling new servers, and blessing and presenting their bronze Guild Medals
Enrolment Service Leaflet
The rite of enrolment, formatted to be printed as a 4-page leaflet for servers and the congregation.
Presentation of Special Guild Medals
Liturgical Rite for blessing and presenting silver and gold Guild Medals
Combined Rite
Where both of the above take place at the same Mass
Guild Hymn
Sung at Guild of Saint Stephen Masses
Establishing the Guild in your Parish
In order to enrol servers into the Guild and present them with medals, a parish must be affiliated to the Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen in Westminster. If your parish is not already affiliated, and you would like to establish the Guild of St. Stephen in your parish, there is a process to be followed according to Canon Law and the regulations of the Archconfraternity in Westminster. Download the guide below.
A step-by-step guide for the parish priest to follow
Afflilation Guide
When you enrol new servers, ensure that you enter their details into your Guild Parish Enrolment Book and issue them with an enrolment certificate. These details will be required should an application be made for their Silver or Gold medal.