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Diocesan Deacons

“Deacons share in Christ’s mission and grace in a special way. The sacrament of Holy Orders marks them with an  imprint  (“character”) which cannot be removed and which configures them to Christ, who made himself the ‘deacon’ or servant of all.”

- Catechism of the Catholic Church 1570 

The first permanent deacons of the Archdiocese of Birmingham were ordained in 1989 and there are now around 100 deacons either in active ministry or retired for our diocese. They come from all walks of life: married, single or widowed; employed, employers or retired from work. Every deacon is ordained to assist the Archbishop in serving the people of the diocese and makes himself available to a parish and other places as a minister of the altar, the Word and charity.

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Newly-Ordained Deacons & their Wives

Dirk Hermans, John Garvey and Dominic Kerr were ordained on 1st November 2020. Here, with their wives Marleen, Joanna and Frances, they introduce themselves and speak about what brought them to this point, their faith and the role of a deacon.


Click the image to read the article from The Sower.


Michael Horsnall

Deacon Mike, ordained in 2015, serves the parish of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Trent Vale. Here, speaks about how he recognised his calling to the diaconate and about his ministry as a prison chaplain.

Deacon David Palmer

Ordained in 2007, Deacon David has served the in several roles, including as diocesan treasurer and trustee of several charities. He speaks about his calling to the diaconate and links his service to that of the first deacons of the early Church in Acts 6.


Watch his testimony, or read the transcript here.

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