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Our Men in Formation

“When you serve at the table of the Eucharist, there you will find the presence of Jesus, who gives himself to you so that you can give yourselves to others. In this way, available in life, meek of heart and in constant dialogue with Jesus, you will not be afraid to be servants of Christ, and to encounter and caress the flesh of the Lord in the poor of our time.”

– Pope Francis, to deacons

Becoming a deacon doesn't just involve training or study; it involves candidates being formed - by the grace of God - into an icon of Christ the Servant. For men in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, there is a four year course of part-time study at Oscott seminary, designed to give the knowledge, competencies and skills to serve as a deacon. Besides study, there are practical internships in their own and another parish, to help men to gain the practical, pastoral and liturgical skills that will be needed once ordained.​

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Martin Dolan

Year 1



Michael Flower

Year 1



Sunny Joseph

Year 1



Thomas Joseph

Year 1



David Kusi-Yeboah

Year 1



Stephen Myers

Year 1



Lino Paul

Year 1



Carlton Rose

Year 1



Patrick Standen

Year 1



Andrew Foster

Andrew is in the third year of the diaconate formation programme. His parish is St. George's, Worcester.



Tony Hartley

Tony is in his third year of the diaconate programme.


He has particularly been influenced by Saint Antony the Abbot, who "began to think of how the apostles had left everything and followed the Saviour, and also of those mentioned in the book of Acts who had sold their possessions and brought the apostles the money for distribution to the needy. He reflected too on the great hope stored up in heaven for such as these. This was all in his mind when, entering the church just as the Gospel was being read, he heard the Lord’s words to the rich man: If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor – you will have riches in heaven. Then come and follow me." - from St. Athanasius' Life of St. Antony

Paul Milton

Third year diaconate student Paul is from St. Peter's, Leamington Spa.



Andrej Rusnak

Andrej is in his third year of formation. Born in Slovakia, he works as a graphic designer. He is married to Henrietta and has two children of primary school age, David and Abigail. He belongs to The Immaculate Conception & St. Egwin Parish, Evesham (Worcestershire). In his spare time, he enjoys photography and family countryside walks.

Philip Bracken

Phil, from Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Nuneaton, is in his fourth year of formation. He has been married to Eileen for 33 happy years and has two grown-up children, Andrew and Clare, who both work and live in London. He was born and raised in Ireland as a cradle Catholic - schooled by nuns, Christian Brothers then Cistercian boarding school. He came to the UK in 1987 ‘for a 12-month stint…’ and works in procurement and supply-chain in the automotive industry. His interests are music (he has played the church organ for many years) and he is a passionate rugby supporter.


He had felt a 'tug' to the life of the Church for some years, and as he became increasingly involved in his parish, his calling to the diaconate took shape. 

Since beginning formation programme, he has stopped being embarrassed at how little he knows; instead he is delighting in learning.

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