
Thank you for visiting the Vocations website for the Archdiocese of Birmingham. I pray that, whatever your reason for visiting us today, God might bless your search.
In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI said to young people gathered in Rome that “Each of you has a personal vocation and He suggests it to you for your own happiness and holiness.” You have been created by God to something amazing; something that only you can do. Not your neighbour, or the person you think is holier than you are. He calls you to happiness and holiness!
Our journey of discovering how we are to live this out, begins from the moment of our Baptism, when we are called to know, to love, and to serve God. It might take a lifetime for us to discover this, or your visit here today might already be a way of testing the water!
I encourage you to ask God to help you every day to discern what He is calling you to. Pray for the grace to respond with courage, with faith and with love to whatever He is asking of you. May the Lord Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother Mary grant you the wisdom to discern your call.
Please also pray for an increase in vocations to Marriage, the Single Life, the Priesthood, the Diaconate and to the Religious Life. I invite you to join me each day in praying the Diocesan Prayer for Vocations.
Please do get in touch with us at the Vocations Office if you would like to find out more.
With my prayers and every good wish,​
Fr. Craig Szmidt
Diocesan Vocation Director